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The Authentic Musnad of Reasons for the Descending of Revelation PB
453 pages, Paperback This is the revised second edition. ..
The Qur'an and the Orientalists: A Brief Survey of their Assumptions
112 pgs., Paperback This book includes an appendix on the Orientalists' Translations of the Qur'a..
The Reasons for Revelation (of the Qur'aan)
160 pgs., Hardback Ahmad bin 'Alee an-Neesaabooree (Nishapuri), who died in 468 H/1076 CE, was on..
The Sciences of the Qur'aan for Children
72 pgs., Paperback We have intended in this introductory study of the Qur'aan to show the student..
Two Lectures on the Quran: Allaah's Outstretched Rope & His Character was the Quran
128 pgs., Paperback Allaah, the Blessed and Sublime, revealed the Qur'aan to His servants as a me..