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200 Signs of the Magicians & Sorcerers
68 pgs., Paperback Full Name of the Book: 200 Signs of the Magicians & Sorcerers, the Cure fo..
Helpful Guidelines in Enduring People's Harm
80 pgs., Paperback "This topic that we will tackle using explanatory notes is the abbreviated spe..
Islamic Creed Series 3: The World of the Jinn and Devils
238 pgs., Hardback Full Name of the Book: The World of the Jinn & Devils - In Light of the Qu..
124 pgs., Paperback Indeed the world of the Jinn is from the affairs of the Unseen which are..
Taweez: Amulets in Light of the Qur'aan & Sunnah
100 pgs., Paperback This book includes a forward by Shaykh Muhammad al-Maalikee  This boo..
Ten Preventive Measures Against Magic and Envy
80 pgs., Paperback "Our discussion is about ten preventive measures one should employ and maintai..
The Devil's Deceptions
592 pgs., Paperback Full Name of the Book: The Devil's Deceptions - A Complete Translation of the..